ACRE Members
As a member of ACRE, you have the right and privilege to:
Nominate and vote on the selection of Directors at the Annual General Meeting.
Vote at Special General Meetings on any Special Resolution to remove a director from the Board.
Be informed about the affairs of the organization, and receive notice of, attend, and vote at all meetings of the members, as set out in our By-laws.
Call a Special General Meeting if at least 10% of the members send written notice to the secretary requesting the meeting and outlining its purpose.
Speak and vote at meetings of the members.
Receive the financial statement of the organization and approve the report of the Board at the Annual General Meeting.
A Member shall :
Pay the annual membership fee in the amount determined by the Board by making payment in the manner determined by the Treasurer.
Not participate in a vote at a meeting of the Company or otherwise participate in the governance of the Company unless Member has paid the annual membership fee.
Respect the values and mandate of the Company.

(438) 622-5850
(819) 921-4092
64 chemin Juniper, Chelsea, Québec, J9B 1T3