ACRE Members

As a member of ACRE, you have the right and privilege to:

  • Nominate and vote on the selection of Directors at the Annual General Meeting.

  • Vote at Special General Meetings on any Special Resolution to remove a director from the Board.

  • Be informed about the affairs of the organization, and receive notice of, attend, and vote at all meetings of the members, as set out in our By-laws.

  • Call a Special General Meeting if at least 10% of the members send written notice to the secretary requesting the meeting and outlining its purpose.

  • Speak and vote at meetings of the members.

  • Receive the financial statement of the organization and approve the report of the Board at the Annual General Meeting.

A Member shall :

  • Pay the annual membership fee in the amount determined by the Board by making payment in the manner determined by the Treasurer.

  • Not participate in a vote at a meeting of the Company or otherwise participate in the governance of the Company unless Member has paid the annual membership fee.

  • Respect the values and mandate of the Company.