Photo credit: Grégoire Crevier
Our mission
ACRE works to protect the environment and ecological integrity of the Municipality of Chelsea and other municipalities that are located next to Gatineau Park.
Our approach
We protect natural areas by acquiring properties (through donation, purchase, conservation agreements, conservation servitudes, and the relinquishment of other legal interests in land) and manage them for the long term, with the aim of preserving natural areas, protecting ecosystems and the environment, and promoting healthy outdoor living in the community and surrounding area.
We encourage the understanding of the significance of environmental protection and maintaining the ecological integrity of lands and their importance in improving the quality of life in the community and surrounding areas.
We promote public education, awareness and events related to conservation and environmental protection.
We work with municipal governments on environmental laws and policy and provide expertise on environmental issues.
(438) 622-5850
(819) 921-4092
64 chemin Juniper, Chelsea, Québec, J9B 1T3