Land Stewardship

In accordance with Canadian Land Trust Standards and Practices (2019), we develop land management plans for the acquired properties and establish stewardship committees consisting of ACRE board members and neighbours, who are all volunteers. This citizen-engagement model is important to ACRE and key to the long-term success of our conservation initiatives. We also establish ecological monitoring programs and conduct annual audits at our properties.

Wildlife Camera Traps

We install camera traps in different locations throughout the year. Camera traps are a non-invasive tool that captures photos of wildlife, allowing us to track species presence and monitor animal behaviour without disturbing their natural habitats. Our cameras often capture bears, red foxes, white-tailed deer, raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks, coyotes, and turkeys. More rarely, we get photos of long-tailed weasels, minks, and fishers. Here are some recent summaries of results from Forest of the Ponds, the Larrimac Forest Complex, and the Hundred Acre Wood. The report prepared by the Forest of the Ponds Stewardship Committee President Carolyn Farquhar can be downloaded here.

Tree Mortality Plots

Tree mortality in our forests has recently increased significantly due to wind storms caused by climate change and new invasive species, such as beech bark disease Cryptococcus fagisuga/Neonectria spp.) and the emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis). Using a part of a protocol recommended by Canadian Forest Service, we established 9 tree mortality plots in Forest of the Ponds, the Larrimac Forest Complex, and the Hundred Acre Wood in summer 2024 to conduct long-term tree monitoring.

Beavers Are Back on Our Cascades Property

Beavers are active again in the ACRE Cascades property (thanks for the info Doug!). As there is once again a water connection to the river through a culvert under the community trail, they have started a new house.

Place Eco Rubin – 10,000 Trees Planted

This project, which took place in 2022, focused on restoring golden-winged warbler's habitat at Place EcoRubin, one of ACRE's properties. For more information

Forest of the Ponds

Carolyn Farquhar - Chair, Lyne Daigle, Mat Levesque, Jocelyn Audette, Doug MacNearney, Sam Seymour, Stephen Woodley (Board contact)

Management Plan

Forest Larrimac

Mark Wilson - Chair, Christine de Groot - co-chair, Glynis Peters, Maryse Dionne, Mary Granskou, Grégoire Crevier, Brent Belzac, Susan Young, Denise Workun, Gord Hill (Board contact)

Management Plan (currently updated by the Stewardship Committee)

Hundred Acre Wood

Ghislain Lafontaine, Paul Hetzler, Shelly Ann Mary, Brad Evenson, Cam Smith, Glen Foster, Meredith Brown (Board contact)

Management Plan (currently updated by the Stewardship Committee at this moment)

Place Eco Rubin

Ken Rubin, Debbie Rubin, Carl Savignac, Shelia McCrindle, Chantal Dahan, Richard Blais, Ted Cheskey, Carolyn Callaghan, Stephen Woodley (Board contact)

Management Plan

Stewardship Committees

Photo Credit: Grégoire Crevier

Photo credit: Christopher Minnes