Please contact us at acre@videotron.ca or through our Facebook page if you have any questions or are interested in:
Donating ecologically valuable land, selling it to ACRE, or signing a conservation agreement (servitude) in order to permanently protect your land for nature conservation and contribute to the ecological integrity of the area around the Gatineau Park.
Supporting the work of ACRE's land stewardship committees.
Supporting any of the existing restoration and conservation projects, community awareness programs, and projects with the municipalities.
Participating in our events and community programs.
Volunteering. Any skills will be useful for us!
Becoming a member or donating to our community organization. Because ACRE is a charity, your membership and any additional donations are tax deductible and you will be issued a tax receipt.
We are working in Chelsea and other municipalities around Gatineau Park.
Let's join our efforts to make our communities environmentally friendly!
(438) 622-5850
(819) 921-4092
64 chemin Juniper, Chelsea, Québec, J9B 1T3