Land Trust Work
The website of the Alliance of Canadian Land Trsusts has a lot of useful resources: https://aclt-acoc.ca/sp_capacitybuilding/The resources below are designed to make it easier for you to conserve your land and ensure that it remains in its natural state for years to come.
Land Trust Starter Guide (https://olta.ca/document/land-trust-starter-guide/)This newly updated guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to establish a land trust. It covers essential topics such as organizational structure, governance, legal considerations, and fundraising.
OLTA has a resource centre with a lot fo useful information and templates (https://olta.ca/resource-centre/)
The Canadian Land Trust Standards and Practices are the ethical and technical guidelines for the responsible operation of a land trust in Canada. The CLT S&P has 12 standards and 91 practices. The Centre for Land Conservation (CLC), which was established in 2019 stewards the CLT S&P. Implementing the Canadian Land Trust Standards and Practices helps land trusts uphold public trust and build strong and effective land conservation programs. https://ltabc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/cltsp_2019_en_final.pdf
Le Réseau de Milieux Naturels protégés a pour objectif de protéger l’environnement pour le bénéfice de toutes et tous, en soutenant et en encourageant la conservation volontaire des milieux naturels partout au Québec. Le RMN compile toutes ses données sur le Répertoire pour vous donner l’ampleur et l’implication de chacun des acteurs du mouvement de la conservation volontaire. https://rmnat.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapSeries/index.html?appid=728c2afa86434cd2b2ff24a40f3c24f7
La carte interactive de la MInistère de l"Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs présente l’ensemble des aires protégées du Québec. En plus de les recenser par désignations, la carte présente les aires protégées par régions administratives du Québec. https://www.environnement.gouv.qc.ca/biodiversite/aires_protegees/carte-interactive.htm
Canada’s Ecological Gifts Program provides a way for Canadians with ecologically sensitive land to protect nature and leave a legacy for future generations. Between the inception of the program in 1995 and March 31, 2024, 1886 ecological gifts valued at over one billion dollars have been donated across Canada, protecting over 248,000 hectares of wildlife habitat.
Brochure. FFQ also presents options for land owners: https://nosmilieuxnaturels.fondationdelafaune.qc.ca/conserver/
30 by 30
The federal government has set the goal of conserving 30 percent of Canada’s land and water by 2030, because science shows that nature needs our help in order to reverse the decline in biodiversity, better fight climate change, and maintain a strong, sustainable economy. https://www.canada.ca/en/services/environment/conservation/conserving-30-by-2030.html
Provincial 2030 Nature Plan chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://cdn-contenu.quebec.ca/cdn-contenu/environnement/biodiversite/plan-nature-2030-plan-action-en.pdf
While Quebec and Canada have pledged to protect 30% of their territory by 2030, only 10.2% of the Outaouais is currently protected. We have a lot of work to do. https://kidjimaninan.com/en/ Kidjīmāninān brings together Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in the Outaouais to protect our land and its rich biodiversity. The Kitigan Zibi Anishinàbeg Natural Resources and Wildlife Office (NRWO) is dedicated to protecting and managing the land for future generations. The NRWO has a dedicated team of forestry engineers, biologists and administrative staff. We collaborate with a range of partners to ensure sustainable environmental management, including forest management, wildlife conservation and the preservation of Anishinàbe culture.
Chelsea's 30 by 30

Ecological Connectivity
Ecological corridors are passages on land or in water, between a park and the surrounding natural environment. They enable movement of wildlife and dispersal of plant species, and facilitate seasonal migration, reproduction, feeding and adaptation to environmental change.
Ecological corridors Gatineau Park https://ncc-ccn.gc.ca/our-plans/ecological-corridors-gatineau-park
Quebec initiative on ecological connectivity https://ecologicalconnectivity.com/connectivite
Solutions nature pour le climat https://naturequebec.org/projets/mode-solutions-nature/
Pollinators and pollinator habitat
Building upon the success our model in Southern Ontario, where 22 restoration partners have restored more than 3288 football fields worth of degraded landscape into native meadow for pollinator habitat, CWF aims to establish:
Multi-year funding to support native seed and equipment rentals for pollinator habitat restoration.
A regional Community of Practice in Southern Quebec to foster peer-to-peer knowledge sharing on improved vegetation management practices.
An avenue to share tailored expert advice and resources to assist your organization in implementing pollinator friendly practices within your organization.
Managing Rights-of-Way for Pollinators: A Practical Guide for Managers https://cwf-fcf.org/en/resources/downloads/booklets-handouts/ROW_restoration_guide_en.pdf
Light pollution
The world at night https://portals.iucn.org/library/node/51414 The lessons learnt presented in this report are drawn from case studies of dark sky places certified by the IDA, RASC, Fundación Starlight and other organizations.
Municipality of Chelsea guidelines chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.chelsea.ca/application/files/5416/7753/3569/Annexe_4_-_Brochure_Eclairage_V2_Chelsea.pdf
Dark Skies
Examples in Quebec - Mont Megantic
(438) 622-5850
(819) 921-4092
64 chemin Juniper, Chelsea, Québec, J9B 1T3