Community Awareness Programs
Tackling Light Pollution
This project, implemented in collaboration with the community group Natural Light and Soundscapes, focuses on the issue of light pollution, which is the excessive use of artificial outdoor light that affects human health, wildlife behaviour and our environment. Good practices for light pollution control have already been included in the Chelsea Masterplan. However, prior to this project, there had been no assessment of the state of knowledge and attitudes towards light pollution and its impacts, nor any review of existing practices. In 2024, this project included a community survey and an expert presentation. A total of 148 people in the Municipality of Chelsea and 52 people in the Municipality of la Pêche completed the survey. A free public lecture, with the participation of Robert Dick, M.Eng., P.Eng. a recognized expert in light pollution, artificial light and scotiobiology (the study of the biological need for periods of darkness), took place on October 3, 2024. This project is made possible with help from the Municipality of Chelsea's Fonds vert.
(438) 622-5850
(819) 921-4092
64 chemin Juniper, Chelsea, Québec, J9B 1T3