Working for Pesticide-Free Chelsea
3/1/20201 min read

ACRE was created following Dr. Nicole Bruinsma's screening of the film Exposure in the Spring of 1998, which led to a successful campaign for the introduction of a pesticide by-law in Chelsea. Several of ACRE's founding members were members of the Chelsea Municipal Sub-Committee whose task was to draft a Municipal By-law, regulate, and largely restrict the cosmetic use of pesticides. Once the by-law was passed, ACRE's focus was on continuing education and outreach. Working both with and independently of, the Municipality of Chelsea, ACRE sought to inform the local population, other communities and governments at all levels of the dangers of pesticide use and alternatives through education and advocacy.
Additionally, members of ACRE worked with the Municipality and representatives of Chelsea's two golf courses, on a municipal sub-committee to devise means to continue reductions in pesticide use on the courses. ACRE is still committed to a total phase out of pesticides.
(438) 622-5850
(819) 921-4092
64 chemin Juniper, Chelsea, Québec, J9B 1T3